Have you been holding on to your Bears and Genesis Passes? Patient hodlers, thou shalt now be rewarded—we’re launching the MightyNet Terminal this Friday (April 21, 2023), which will let you link your MightyNet NFT assets in exchange for Mighty BITs (MBITs)!
MBITs are non-tradable points which can be used to purchase Supply Crates for crafting later in the year. Each Supply Crate will be a tradable NFT and can be opened up for you to claim an assortment of items that will help you in Mighty Action Heroes.
How Linking Works
Linking your NFTs in the Terminal will allow you to start accruing MBITs. There are 2 MightyNet NFTs right now—the Big Bear Syndicate & the MightyNet Genesis Pass collections—and both can be linked.
MightyNet Genesis Passes will have a 4x multiplier over Big Bear Syndicate bears, but BBS bears have a larger supply and are easier to obtain. A linked NFT will be locked up for pre-determined periods of time, and there are 4 options for this in total, all up to you to select.
The longer you link an NFT, the higher the boost multiplier will be. You’ll have the following options:
1 month - 25% boost
3 months - 80% boost
6 months - 180% boost
12 months - 400% boost
Remember, once you link your NFTs, they’ll be locked for the period of time you’ve selected. They will still remain in your wallet so you’ll be able to verify them, but you won’t be able to transfer them to different wallets, or sell them.
Earning MBITs
Each day, a set amount of MBITs will be distributed, and these will be divvied up amongst the total number of NFTs linked in the Terminal. This is a separate tally from the other ways you can earn MBITs, which will be:
Placing high on the leaderboard during our open beta (date to be announced soon)
Engaging in official community events
The current MBITs schedule has been designed to provide meaningful rewards to all kinds of players, from the single-bear-owner to the whale with 20 Genesis Passes. It’s currently set for the first year of linking, but may change in the future based on community feedback and ecosystem needs.
To keep things equalised for everyone and to account for timezones across the world, MBITs will only start getting distributed a week from the Terminal launch. Read on to get dates!
Using MBITs
In the near future, you’ll be able to start using MBITs to purchase Supply Crates. Supply Crates are tradable NFTs and can be opened to claim items inside, which will include PARTS (crafting material for NFT items) and much more.
MBITs will also eventually offer additional value to users as reward for their participating in our ecosystem. We’ll share more details on this when that announcement is ready!
Get ready to LINK!
The MightyNet Terminal launches April 21 at 10am GMT+8 / 2am UTC. All you have to do is to power it up (by clicking its icon, lol) in the MightyNet website! This is when you can start linking your NFTs.
MBITs will only start getting doled out on April 28, an entire week later, so make sure everyone gets an equitable start. April 28-30 is also the date of our next early access playable weekend, but like we mentioned above, don’t worry, you’ll still be able to access this token-gated game build even if you link your NFTs. Learn more about the coming update below:
That’s it! Head over to app.mightynet.xyz and get your NFTs ready! If you have more questions about linking, join us in our Discord.